orange county drug abuse counselor

Drug Abuse Counselor

In a world where millions of people find themselves addicted to illicit substances, knowing how to overcome substance abuse is immensely important. If you’re currently dealing with drug dependence and want to move forward with your life, know that one solution is finding the right drug abuse counselor. Understanding Addiction Addiction is a complex psychosomatic…

what is a holistic approach what does holistic mean

What Does Holistic Mean?

When people start looking for substance abuse treatment, the number of options may overwhelm them. While evidence-based care is essential, so is holistic treatment. However, not everyone understands what holistic means. Many people still need to know what is a holistic approach to addiction recovery. What Does Holistic Mean? To manage and prevent disease, the…

Alcohol and Anxiety

Co-occurring disorders are common because the brain becomes vulnerable when it develops one. Two conditions that occur together often are alcohol addiction and anxiety. However, there’s more to their relationship than one developing after the other because the brain is vulnerable. An Alcohol Overview Most people are familiar with alcohol, which includes beer, wine, and…