reactive depression

Reactive Depression Explained

While anyone can get sad, anxious and upset in response to unexpected circumstances, these symptoms are usually short-lived. However, if you have trouble adjusting to changes in your life, you might be struggling with reactive depression, also known as situational depression. Learn how this condition might affect you and how to cope. What Is Reactive…

men's health week

Men’s Health Week

Though anyone can develop physical and mental health issues like heart disease, cancer and depression, men are more likely than women to make risky choices, ignore unusual symptoms and fail to take preventive health measures like visiting their doctor for annual screenings. One potential contributor to these problems is the unrealistic cultural norm that men…

when does anxiety become a disorder

When Does Anxiety Become a Disorder?

Everyone experiences anxiety occasionally, and in mild to moderate amounts, it can be beneficial by helping you focus your attention, energy and motivation. However, severe, ongoing anxiety is a genuine mental health disorder and a cause for concern because it leads to irrational fears that are disproportionate to the circumstances at hand. Learn more about…

how to cope with loneliness

How to Cope With Loneliness

Throughout the natural world, many different species of animals instinctively gather in groups, which suggests that belonging evolved for a beneficial reason. As a result, social animals – including humans – become profoundly unhappy when they lack support and connections. Loneliness has become an invisible health crisis in America as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to…

the value of making amends

How to Make Amends

While everyone’s path to addiction recovery is different, rebuilding damaged relationships is one of the first goals many people have after they achieve sobriety. Isolation, deception and secrecy are defining characteristics of active addiction, all of which undermine trust and intimacy. After driving others away with your self-destructive behavior, making amends is one way to…

physical stress

How Does Stress Affect the Body?

Feeling overwhelmed by the responsibilities of life can lead to physical symptoms alongside the emotions you are managing. While most of us may recognize the symptoms of stress in ourselves, the effects of these emotions can take a physical toll on our bodies. The physical manifestation of stress varies from person to person, so staying…

ambien and alcohol

Ambien and Alcohol

If you routinely experience difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep, your doctor might prescribe you a medication called Ambien. While people with insomnia, circadian rhythm disruptions and other sleep disorders can find relief from their symptoms by taking Ambien, this prescription drug can also bring some significant risks – especially when combined with alcohol. How…

anticipatory grief

Anticipatory Grief Explained

When someone we care about passes away, we commemorate their life in various ways. Many families host a religious or secular memorial service where people gather to reflect on their loss and share fond remembrances of the deceased. Some bereaved people plant trees, write poems or donate to their loved one’s favorite charitable organization. All…