is Molly addictive?

Is Molly Addictive?

Molly is a synthetic drug also known as methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA). A German science and technology company called Merck developed it back in 1912 and it was used for psychotherapeutic services in the 1970s. In the 80s, its use shifted to the streets, where it developed its current reputation as a party drug.  How Does Molly…

how do I recover from burnout

How to Recover from Burnout

Life places many demands on us. Over time, they can wear on us, physically, emotionally, and mentally until burnout occurs. Here are some causes of burnout, symptoms, and ways to recover.  What Causes Burnout? Burnout can be job-related. It is where you continually have to face heavy workloads, demanding bosses, receiving little to no appreciation,…

meth psychosis

Meth Psychosis Symptoms

People using methamphetamine might eventually incur psychosis. A study conducted by Psychiatry Research discovered that 36% of meth users develop psychosis symptoms. This guide shows you what symptoms characterize psychosis, how meth affects the body and treatment options.  What are the Symptoms of Meth Psychosis? Here are some of the traits people with this illness…